I think my best friend is struggling with her body imagine and food. The past few days I've seen her repost tiktoks that are about not being happy with her body and that she wants to be skinnier. I haven't seen her eat proper food at school she's only ate chewing gum. I told her tk make sure she eats and send me a picture of what she eats. Although she didn't she siad she forgot. I'm really worried and don't know what to do in my eyes she's perfect but she doesn't think she is. Cna you help me

I think my best friend is struggling with her body imagine and food. The past few days I've seen her repost tiktoks that are about not being happy with her body and that she wants to be skinnier. I haven't seen her eat proper food at school she's only ate chewing gum. I told her tk make sure she eats and send me a picture of what she eats. Although she didn't she siad she forgot. I'm really worried and don't know what to do in my eyes she's perfect but she doesn't think she is. Cna you help me

Body image & positivity

Hey there πŸ’– It's very kind of you to support your best friend during this time πŸ’• Here's some steps you could take:

  • Start by having an open and caring conversation with her πŸ’¬
  • Let her know you're there to listen and that you care about her well-being 🌟
  • Encourage her to focus on her health and self-acceptance rather than appearance πŸ’«
  • Share positive qualities you admire about her that have nothing to do with her body πŸ™Œ

If her feelings persist after this conversation, you should suggest reaching out to a trusted adult, school counsellor, or helpline for guidance πŸ’¬

Remember, your support and kindness can make a big difference.

Hope this helps 🌟

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