Hi!, I new club has started at my school, it’s a debate and law club which I’m really interested in and I want to go but I’m really scared because my friends aren’t the most brightest and wouldn’t go with me and I don’t want to go alone! Plus a boy who I dated would also be there so it’s already awkward and what if no one shows up!? But I probably overthinking it so I just need some help 😅

Hi!, I new club has started at my school, it’s a debate and law club which I’m really interested in and I want to go but I’m really scared because my friends aren’t the most brightest and wouldn’t go with me and I don’t want to go alone! Plus a boy who I dated would also be there so it’s already awkward and what if no one shows up!? But I probably overthinking it so I just need some help 😅

Confidence & motivation

Hey! It's understandable to feel nervous about joining a new club, especially if your friends aren't interested in it. But remember, this is a chance for you to explore your own interests and meet new people who share them!

Don't worry about going alone – you'll be surprised at how many friendly faces you'll find.

And as for the boy you dated, just be polite and friendly if you see him – it doesn't have to be awkward and you'll be so busy with your club activities you probably won't get much time to chat anyways.

Give it a shot and see how it goes – you might end up loving it 🤗

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