What do you think I should put in my emergency kit for school?, ( so far I’ve put lip balm, money and hair ties)
Growing up
This is a great question – let's dive in 💕
Having an emergency pouch in your school bag can be really useful. Different people put different things in their bags depending on their needs but below is a list of some items that you could consider:
- Period products, like tampons and pads
- Plasters
- A lip balm
- Hand sanitiser
- Tissues or wipes
- Hair ties and pins
- Some painkillers, like paracetamol or ibuprofen (super useful if you get period cramps!)
- Spare contacts (if you wear them)
- Deodorant or perfume (you can get little refillable bottles that you can fill with your favourite scent)
- Portable charger
- A spare pair of underwear (just in case of period leaks)
- Mints or chewing gum (a lot of schools don't allow gum so be wary of this)
- Maybe a snack bar in case you get hungry... or chocolate 👀 (though this could melt in the summer months!)
- If you want to get your hands on a luna pouch, then head to the 'luna points' section on the homepage and get referring your friends - they are super cute 💕
Hope this helps ❤️
How we answered this question:
luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. Questions are answered and reviewed by this team.