for my school when we are in p7 at the end we get 3 days at our new highschool to get used to it, get our timetables ect i’m really nervous but so so excited do you have any tips they’re really soon!

for my school when we are in p7 at the end we get 3 days at our new highschool to get used to it, get our timetables ect i’m really nervous but so so excited do you have any tips they’re really soon!

Mental health & wellbeing

Hey, thanks for asking luna 🙌 It's great you're already excited about visiting the new school! It's normal to feel nervous before you go, so try to be kind to yourself – you're not alone in this💜

Here are a few tips:

👯‍♀️ Chat to lots of people: be open to talking to lots of different people, this way you will be able to find people that you have things in common with and can start making friends - more on how to make friends can be found in the learn section of the app

💬 Speak up: if you have any questions, it's important to speak up and ask your teacher for help. They will be happy to offer guidance and will be looking out for you to make sure you are having a good day. This could be anything from, where a certain building is to what are the different names of people in your class

🍫 Treat yourself: you will have had an intense day getting used to a new school and meeting lots of different people. It's important to relax at the end of the day and treat yourself to your favourite food, watching your favourite TV show (or whatever else you fancy doing!)

Good luck on your first days, you'll be absolutely fine 💪

How we answered this question:

luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. Questions are answered and reviewed by this team.

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