Latley, since starting high school, I've been feeling like really upset, but usually, for absolutely no reason. I'll just randomly start crying almost every day over the tiniest thing or nothing at all, and I'm getting concerned about my mental health cause it's a little too often. Is it normal?

Latley, since starting high school, I've been feeling like really upset, but usually, for absolutely no reason. I'll just randomly start crying almost every day over the tiniest thing or nothing at all, and I'm getting concerned about my mental health cause it's a little too often. Is it normal?

Mental health & wellbeing

Thank you for sending in a really good question ❤️ Crying can be a really good way to release your emotions.

During teenage years, many people are still learning how to control their emotions and may experience situations in a more "intense" way. Crying can be a huge part of learning about yourself and the things that matter to you, upset you or make you angry. Crying can happen as a reaction to something that has just happened or it may happen much later, if something has caused strong enough feelings.

Some people find crying helpful because they feel like they are letting their emotions out. Keeping our emotions in can lead to feelings of pressure and make us self-critical.

There are however, other ways to release your emotions when you are feeling overwhelmed, this can be things like painting listening to music, journalling or exercising - it really depends on the you and your preferences.

If you feel like you're crying a lot, it may be helpful to ask yourself:

  • Do you know what has made you cry?
  • Is it the same thing over and over or can you identify many different triggers?
  • Does crying feel like a release and relief to you? Or does it make you feel low and overwhelmed?

It is common for young people to feel anxious or low in mood and crying can be a symptom of someone who may need help. Sometimes, it can be really hard to talk about your feelings but opening up to a person you trust can make all the difference. You are not alone if you are feeling overwhelmed, and it is always better to seek help than not.

Finally, feeling sad and crying all the time for no reason is not normal. If you find you are feeling sad more often than not then luna would strongly recommend you speak to your GP as they will be able to give more personalised advice.

Hope this helps - look after yourself and know that luna's always here for you 🫶

How we answered this question:

luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. Questions are answered and reviewed by this team.

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