Heyy luna. So basically my outstanding high school has just announced they are taking some GCSE options off. Food Tech Product Design Textiles Drama Sociology Economics Latin German Music But I’m just soo sad bc I rllly wanted to do Latin sociology and music. But I also love the school but my mum said I might have to move school. Btw I’m in year 7. Helpppp

Heyy luna. So basically my outstanding high school has just announced they are taking some GCSE options off. Food Tech Product Design Textiles Drama Sociology Economics Latin German Music But I’m just soo sad bc I rllly wanted to do Latin sociology and music. But I also love the school but my mum said I might have to move school. Btw I’m in year 7. Helpppp

Navigating difficult scenarios

luna's sorry to hear that you're feeling sad about the changes to your school's GCSE options 😔

It can be tough when things don't go as planned, especially when it comes to your education.

It's great that you have a passion for Latin, sociology, and music, and it's completely understandable that you would be disappointed if you can't pursue those subjects at your current school.

However, it's important to remember that there are other options just in case.

If your school doesn't offer the subjects you're interested in, you could consider looking into other schools in your area that do offer those subjects as your mum's suggested.

It might be worth having that conversation with your mum and your teachers to see if there are any alternatives that could be explored, like other languages or creative subjects that you could enjoy.

Remember, it's important to do what's best for you and your education, so don't be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself.

Good luck! 🍀

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