I'm really scared that I might get my period when I'm at school. What do I do in that situation if it does happen?
Periods & hormones
Hey hey 💫 First things first, take a deep breath - please know that everything will be ok and there's no need to be scared about getting your period at school 🙌
Dealing with your period at school can be a bit tricky, but there are lots of ways to manage it, so that you still feel comfortable:
- Keep an extra supply of period products in your bag. If you feel like you've started your period, you can you let your teacher know and excuse yourself to the bathroom
- If you're worried about leaks, wear dark-coloured clothing or cycling shorts under skirts to feel more secure
- Take pain killers (with the help of a trusted adult) if needed and stay hydrated to ease cramps
- Find a trusted friend to talk to or let a teacher know if you're not feeling well
- And most importantly, be kind to yourself - your period is a natural part of life and shouldn't stop you enjoying it 🥰
There's loads more advice about managing your period at school and period self care tips in luna's Learn section – hope these help you out! ❤️
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