Should I be embarrassed or it be awkward for me to change my pad (with the noise of it) in a public bathroom eg school

Should I be embarrassed or it be awkward for me to change my pad (with the noise of it) in a public bathroom eg school

Periods & hormones

Hi 🌸 You shouldn't be embarrassed at all, but luna understands if you do feel awkward because it can feel a bit daunting when you're new to periods and using a public bathroom.

It's important to remember that there will be lots of people in the same situation as you at school who need to use period products, it's likely that people are too busy worrying about themselves to think about the noise of your pad ❤️

luna's got some tips in the app on how to disguise the noise if you really need to.

Remember, it's important to change your pad regularly for hygiene reasons, so try to let embarrassment stand in your way 💪🏽

Hope this helps you 😊

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