Hey luna How do you get of your phone when you want to go to bed
Hey there 👋 Getting off your phone before bed can be tricky given most of our entertainment and ‘down time’ comes from our phones, but there are a few things you could try to get a better night’s sleep. These are…
- Try using dark mode on your phone to reduce the brightness
- Make your bedroom a phone-free zone – if you don’t trust yourself to do it, you could ask a family member or sibling to hide your phone before bed
- Find entertainment in other things – like reading (a Kindle is also fine to use), art, writing, skincare, or planning outfits
- The key is to stop looking at your phone 1-2 hours before you go to sleep, so if you need to use it all evening just focus on avoiding it those last couple of hours – try a podcast instead!
There's more tips on sleep and phone use in the app – hope these help 🫶
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