how do i know if i like girls or guys ?

how do i know if i like girls or guys ?

Gender, sexuality & identity

Thanks for sharing this question with luna 🫶 

Having new feelings and questioning your sexuality or gender is a normal part of growing up for a lot of people, and the best thing to do at this point is to give yourself time and to learn as much as you can. luna has lots of content about it in the app to help out with this process. The key things to remember is that sexuality is fluid and can change over time, sexuality is personal to you only, and you don't have to label yourself unless you want to 💡

Sending luna love 💛

How we answered this question:

luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. Questions are answered and reviewed by this team.

a group of girls standing together with their arms around eachother, smiling

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