I feel really lonely and I only have 1 real friend but she hangs out with a different group of people than I do and she said I can hang around with her in the new upcoming school year when I told her I feel lonely but I don’t want to seem like I’m just following her and her friends around what should I do ? 🩷

I feel really lonely and I only have 1 real friend but she hangs out with a different group of people than I do and she said I can hang around with her in the new upcoming school year when I told her I feel lonely but I don’t want to seem like I’m just following her and her friends around what should I do ? 🩷


Hey there, thanks for reaching out 🩷 Feeling lonely can be really tough, especially when you feel like you might be intruding on your friend's group. It's great that your friend has offered to include you, but it's understandable that you don't want to feel like you're just tagging along.

Here are a few things you might try to make the situation more comfortable:

  • Talk to your friend: let her know how you feel about joining her group – she might have some ideas on how to make the transition smoother and ensure you feel included, like group hangouts or activities
  • Get to know her friends: try to engage with her friends one on one – ask them how they are, about their day and compliment them! This can help you build your own connections within the group and feel more like a part of it
  • Join clubs or activities: find groups or clubs at school that align with your interests – this can help you meet new people and form friendships outside of your current circle just in case it doesn't work out. There's no harm in diversifying your friendships!
  • Be yourself: remember that you have unique qualities that make you special – don't be afraid to show your true self, the right friends will appreciate you for who you are

It's also important to give yourself time to adjust. Building new friendships and feeling comfortable in a new group can take time, so be patient with yourself.

Hope this helps! If you have more questions, just Ask 🌟

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