how to get rid of back acne

how to get rid of back acne

Skin & skincare

This is VERY common! Acne on your back (or bacne) happens in the same way as acne anywhere else on your body: it's a result of the pores in your skin getting blocked with debris and bacteria, which creates spots. đź’•

Some tips to help back acne are:

  • Try not to use heavy or oily moisturisers on your back (look for a sign on the moisturiser label which says non-comedogenic, which is a fancy word for "it doesn't cause spots")
  • Sweat from exercise is a common cause of back acne, so during exercise try and go for loose fitting cotton tops that allow your skin to breathe. Try and shower as soon after exercise as possible and remove sweaty clothing straight away
  • Shower gel may not be enough to prevent back acne – try using a cleanser on your back which includes specific ingredients for acne like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide
  • Always shower gel your body *after* you've rinsed out your conditioner, as hair conditioner can leave an oily film on your back that causes spots unless it's washed off properly
  • Speak to a pharmacist or GP for personalised suggestions if you find you're struggling to manage it on your own

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