How you can make good decisions as a teen | luna

How to make the right choices

Top tips for deciding what’s best for you 🫵

Confidence & motivation

Quick summary 📝 

1️⃣ Get clear on your options: note things down, make pros and cons lists, and talk to someone you trust to explore your options

2️⃣ Put yourself first: focus on what’s best for you, not what others want – don’t feel pressured to please people

3️⃣ No decision is final: if something doesn’t work out, there's always a new path available 💗

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Everyone has to make decisions, but luna gets that sometimes it feels like there’s a lot to think about.

It’s actually totally valid to feel overwhelmed 🥲 but luna’s here with a guide on making the right choices, to help you if you're struggling.

1️⃣ Put yourself first

Of course, it’s great to think about other people, but these choices will ultimately affect you and your life so you should prioritise your own needs.

For example, if a friend wants you to pick the same school subject as them even though you don't like it, go with what you enjoy 💛

Basically, don’t feel pressured into doing things just to please people ✨

2️⃣ Write it down

Sometimes, it can be difficult to think about stuff if there’s a lot going on in your head 😵‍💫

Writing your thoughts down can help you organise them and figure things out more easily, as it helps your brain process them ✍️

3️⃣ Pros and cons lists

These can be helpful if you’re thinking through multiple options 🤔

Writing down the good and bad parts of each option may help you think more clearly.

4️⃣ Trust your gut

It’s important to think carefully through all your choices 💭 but if it feels like the right thing to do, that's an important part of a decision 💗

5️⃣ Speak to people you trust

Getting a second opinion from someone you trust can be very helpful 💕

Even just talking everything over with another person, like a parent, can be amazing for making things more clear for you 💬

6️⃣ Do your research

Make sure you have all the information you need to make a proper decision 📊

You may find out some information which sways you one way or another 💻

Finally, you'll always have options!

Life can be full of regrets, but it doesn’t have to be.

Sometimes, you might look back and feel like you made the wrong choice.

But you won’t always get it right – what matters is learning from it and moving forward.

People can change their minds and try new paths all the time – the important thing is that you made the best choice for you at that time 💗

How we created this article:

luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. All articles are created by experts, and reviewed by a member of luna's senior review team.