Why does shaving rash happen?
Getting rid of razor burn 🪒

Quick summary 📝
1️⃣ Shaving rash, or razor burn, is common after shaving and is a form of skin irritation
2️⃣ To heal a shaving rash, be gentle, moisturise with fragrance-free products, and avoid shaving again until it heals
3️⃣ Prevent shaving rash in future by softening hair with warm water and exfoliating gently before shaving, then shave in the direction of hair growth, using shaving foam, and a fresh razor
4️⃣ Finally, don't be embarrassed – shaving rash is common and if issues persist, it’s important to seek medical advice from your GP
Shaving rash, or razor burn, is a form of skin irritation lots of you may have experienced already. It’s very common and can appear anywhere on the body after shaving. It can look like a red rash and may feel itchy, stingy, or have a burning sensation.

Whilst a shaving rash normally heals on its own, it can be uncomfortable. So luna’s rounded up some things you can do to help soothe it, and how to prevent it happening as much 🪒
✨How does a shaving rash happen?
It can happen for lots of different reasons, but some of the most common ones are: shaving with the wrong technique, using a blunt razor, or dry shaving. All of these things can irritate your skin, and leave you with a rash.
✨How to heal a shaving rash?
- Be gentle: don’t scrub or apply pressure to the skin as this could make it feel more irritated, sensitive, and sore
- Moisturise: a gentle, fragrance-free moisturiser or oil can be used to soothe the skin as it heals
- Avoid shaving: until it heals
✨How to prevent a shaving rash?
- Soften the hair: you can soften the hair follicles before shaving by taking a warm bath or shower
- Exfoliate: gently exfoliating the area before shaving removes any dead skin cells allowing you to get a closer shave
- Shave in the same direction as hair growth: this is less irritating for the skin
- Consider shaving foam/cream: this reduces the friction (pulling) associated with ‘dry’ shaving
- Use a fresh razor: you can follow the instructions on the razor packaging about how long it should last – generally it’s recommended to replace it every few weeks if it’s not a disposable razor
- Moisturise: a gentle, unscented moisturiser or oil can be very soothing for the skin and can prevent irritation after shaving. Some brands sell soothing after-shave balms designed specially for this

Finally, please don't feel embarrassed: it’s important to know that you’re not alone and that many people experience shaving rash at some point in their life. You can also find lots more ways to remove hair in the 'Hair Removal 101' article in the luna app – if shaving just isn't for you. If, after trying these tips, any redness or itching isn't going away, or is appearing when you aren't shaving, luna recommends speaking to your GP 💙
How we answered this question:
luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. Questions are answered and reviewed by this team.
Cleveland Clinic 'Razor burn'