Is it normal to be lazy during puberty?
Question from a parent of a 12 year old

I remember growing up I definitely had moments of not wanting to do anything and general moodiness but not all the time – I wanted to get up and do stuff outside and earn money etc. I just feel like teens nowadays have so little energy and just want to sit on social media on their phones all the time. Is this level of laziness normal or has something changed? Thanks luna!
This is a really good question, thank you for asking it! You definitely aren’t the only one thinking it – teen laziness and phone use has been a hot topic lately.
It's understandable to notice differences between generations, especially with the rapid changes in technology and lifestyle.Â
Whilst the scientific evidence remains scant, it’s true that teens today do face unique challenges and influences that might affect their energy levels and interests beyond puberty.
Here are a few factors that might contribute to what you're noticing:
- Technology: with smartphones and social media, there's a constant stream of entertainment and communication – this can sometimes lead to spending more time indoors and less time engaging in physical activities which may make your teen appear more “lazy”Â
- Academic pressure: teens often face significant academic and extracurricular demands, which can lead to stress and tiredness
- Mental health struggles: there's a lot of mixed studies about this, but a lot of studies do suggest that time spent on social media can have an impact on our mental health. It’s unfortunately a bit of a loop as mental health struggles may cause us to not want to go outside or socialise, but instead stay on our phones scrolling through social media. Poor mental health can also present with tiredness or lack of energy as a symptom. There is also evidence that young people today are far more likely to report mental health struggles compared to previous generationsÂ
Every generation has its own set of challenges and ways of coping which can make it incredibly hard to have all the answers or even relate to each other through shared experiences so please try not to judge yourself or your teen harshly – you're doing your best and care a lot which is already great.
What can really help is encouraging a balance between screen time and other activities – like hobbies or joining clubs. Having a chat with your teen about social media restrictions can help, or suggesting ethical apps that promote mental health – such as by getting them a subscription to luna.
With all that being said, if you do notice your teen is struggling with low energy or motivation more often than not, it might be helpful to have a conversation with them about their mental health. If you feel they are tired or lack energy all the time then it’s also worth seeing a GP who will likely make sure the tiredness isn’t due to anything concerning.
We really hope this has helped offer some context – please know you aren’t the only one feeling like this, and you aren’t failing by not having all the answers. Keep being there for your teen and encouraging them to find things that make them happy outside of social media, and in time hopefully they’ll find something that works for them.
How we created this article:
luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. All articles are created by experts, and reviewed by a member of luna's senior review team.
Jefferson Health "The addictiveness of social media"
https://www.jeffersonhealth.org/your-health/living-well/the-addictiveness-of-social-media-how-teens-get-hookedUC Davis Health "Social media’s impact on our mental health"
https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/cultivating-health/social-medias-impact-our-mental-health-and-tips-to-use-it-safely/2024/05Hoi Lun Cheng, Mazen Amatoury, Katharine Steinbeck "Energy expenditure and intake during puberty in healthy nonobese adolescents"
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27629054/The Health Foundation "What is happening to young people’s mental health?"
https://www.health.org.uk/news-and-comment/blogs/what-is-happening-to-young-people-s-mental-healthFind out about trends when your teen does
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