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Body image & positivity
Body image & positivity
Q: Hi luna Summer is coming up and it's becoming quite hot u the UK how do u become more comfortable in my clothes as a am chubby and have big boobs which make me feel no that comfortable. Ty 💖
Body image & positivity
Q: How can i feel more confident in my clothes? i recently been feeling inscure x
Body image & positivity
Q: I think my best friend is struggling with her body imagine and food. The past few days I've seen her repost tiktoks that are about not being happy with her body and that she wants to be skinnier. I haven't seen her eat proper food at school she's only ate chewing gum. I told her tk make sure she eats and send me a picture of what she eats. Although she didn't she siad she forgot. I'm really worried and don't know what to do in my eyes she's perfect but she doesn't think she is. Cna you help me
Body image & positivity
Q: Hiii luna, I saw on TikTok that wearing a body protector (for horse riding) can stop your chest from growing, is this true because i feel like it happen to me?? Thanks I know stuff on the internet mightnt be true but i didnt know how else to find out!