Question library
Q: I feel really lonely and I only have 1 real friend but she hangs out with a different group of people than I do and she said I can hang around with her in the new upcoming school year when I told her I feel lonely but I don’t want to seem like I’m just following her and her friends around what should I do ? 🩷
Q: My friends have made a voting board today. We had to pick our favorite person in the friend group. We are a friend group of six. Only two of us voted. And one of them was my best friend in the whole friend group. She picked someone else. She has been ignoring me and not paying attention. She has been mad at me for the stupidest reason. What do I do?
Q: What should I do if I'm in the middle of 2 of my friends hating eachother? I'm kinda in the middle xx
Q: I got into a different secondary school to all my friends and I’m really upset about it what should I do??
Q: All my friends at school use social media and I don’t agree with social media and so do my parents. But sometimes I feel left out and like I don’t belong because all anyone talks about is TikTok or Snapchat. And everyone spends ages making themselves look pretty in the morning, that sometimes i feel as if I should too because LOADS of people always straighten their hair and wear mascara etc. But I don’t rlly know who I want to be and what to be like and how to deal with everyone constantly talking about social media.
Q: My mum is literally the nicest person every but she’s always moaning at me and I understand that’s what normal mums do but it’s like whatever I do is never good enough like when I’m happy there’s always something else I have to do I was waiting 2 hours for her today and then when she’s ready to go apparently now I have to clear my room then she got mad at me for shouting then she makes me feel like a brat. I don’t know how to control my anger, just because I’m their child they think I’m not smart idk what to do
Q: My mum and dad got in an argument and are currently not talking to eachother. but now my mums not talking to me because she thinks im on my dads side..which im not… and now idk what to do. she thinks im disrespecting her.
Q: Hey luna I like this boy but he doesn't like be back but i really like him what do I do
Q: Me and my ex broke up a while ago, I can’t get over him and I need closure to move on, I do really miss him but I’m scared if I try and get in touch again he will ignore me