Question library
Mental health & wellbeing
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: hey lunaa basically this summer i was so hyped that it was gonna be so good but the thing is the holiday and my prom i was excited for are now over and i have no money to do anything and i always feel like my parents are disappointed with how much i’m at home idk what to do because i’ve always had this issue and i just feel like they think i’m friendless
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: how do you open up more about emotions to pastoral care teachers?? i find it so scary and don't know how people can just do it
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: my mental health isn’t the best, my teachers have noticed but my parent haven’t? is this normal or are my parents being ignorant
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hi luna! First of all I wanted to thank you for all your help and support these past few months. My question is how do I deal with mean people or ones who are annoying? My instinct is to yell at their face, but that sounds wrong. I hate talking to people about it as rumours spread and teachers can’t help much. What do I do? 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Why do my teachers seem to not care about mental health and who can i talk ti about my mental health
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey, im 11 years old and lots of boys in my class were saying i have a fat nose and i need to do plastic surgery. I am really insecure about my nose and i also told my mom, my mom told my teacher and the boys stopped but still i feel really insecure and i dont know what to do.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: hi luna, I need to talk to a teacher about my school anxiety but I don't know how to word it. how do I tell my teachers I'm struggling? x 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey luna! i need some help, i'm being bullied and it's affecting my mental health and i've tried to be nice or everyone and not annoyed them but i'm still bullied, i've told teachers and my parents but it just isn't helping. :(
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: At school today my friend put a girls backpack who was being Racist in a toilet cubicle I walked away because I didn’t what to get in trouble but I didn’t tell a teacher either because I didn’t what to get them I trouble the girl still can’t fine her bag what should I do
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I drive for attention at school and I am starting to freak out when no one is paying attention to me
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey luna, I’m 11 and I’m starting high school in September and I’m very insecure about my weight and get picked on for it I’ve tried everything to lose weight and it doesn’t work and I don’t want this to continue at high school.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey luna.. so basically I’m in a rlly hard situation and idk what to do.. Yesterday at school there was a fight aginast someone in my form and one of the most popular sassy girls. We r strictly not allowed smart phones at school, but I filmed the fight a little bit. Now EVERYONE is asking me the video, but the girl in my forms headscarf fell off and I feel like I’m invading her privacy but also everybody else’s who were in the video (there were lots of girls there.) But now everyone is super angry at me and I’m scared the big gang of mean girls will come fight me, but I can’t tell a teacher bc it was my fault for taking the video. Sorry for the long message 😭
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I’m starting High School after the summer and i’m really nervous. I’m scared because of how massive it is compared to my current school, needing to get to classes on time, and i’m worried about all my friends leaving me. Do you have any tips??
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Latley, since starting high school, I've been feeling like really upset, but usually, for absolutely no reason. I'll just randomly start crying almost every day over the tiniest thing or nothing at all, and I'm getting concerned about my mental health cause it's a little too often. Is it normal?
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I hate going to school for every reason and there is this group of boys at school who just keep on annoying me and other things I don’t never want to go back to school how can I motivate myself to getting out of bed and dealing with it ?
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: for my school when we are in p7 at the end we get 3 days at our new highschool to get used to it, get our timetables ect i’m really nervous but so so excited do you have any tips they’re really soon!
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hi luna ⚡️ I'm being bullied and people are calling me names at school - a video of me was shared in a group chat of me wearing a tail in the park, and I knew nothing about it until today. I'm also scared my friends are talking about me behind my back, as one of them has openly called me ugly and two have called me annoying.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: What is an idea that u followed when u were stressed at school with exams and stuff and teachers constantly going on at you?
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: How do i thank someone who has helped me so much during difficult times? ❤️
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: What are ways I can express my less positive feelings without my parents finding out. They tend not to understand and just blow up at the littlest things.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: How do I tell my mum that I hate school and that it makes me depressed