Advice for Teens

join a community of teens who get what you’re going through

meet luna

unrecognisable teen girl walking away

100% anonymous

we'll keep you safe

group of 2 smiling teen girls posing for a photo

judgement-free zone

no shaming here

group of 3 teen girls smiling at a camera on a summer's day

trusted tips and hacks

via articles and videos

group of 5 teen girls giving a heart gesture to the camera

education, but fun

100s of quizzes to play

totally anonymous questions

here's just a fraction of the 1000s luna's been asked within the app

Q: How can I tell if my friends don’t like me?
Periods & hormones
Q: Why haven’t I gotten my first period yet
Periods & hormones
Q: Is it true that most people get their first period in like autumn or winter, if so why? ❤️
Periods & hormones
Q: I just got my first period why is it brown ? Is everything ok ? I am really grateful I can ask questions here ♥️😊
Q: Me and my ex broke up a while ago, I can’t get over him and I need closure to move on, I do really miss him but I’m scared if I try and get in touch again he will ignore me
Skin & skincare
Q: what is ‘combination’ skin? how could you describe it? ❤️
Periods & hormones
Q: Why do I have so much discharge.
Q: Hey luna I like this boy but he doesn't like be back but i really like him what do I do
Growing up
Q: Why do boys have less problems to face than girls?
Confidence & motivation
Q: What should I do if I get bad grades and how do I revise properly?

there's a topic for everyone

luna's not just a period app for teens – here's a preview of the 100s of topics

Skin & skincare
teen looking down at phone

Bum spots: why butne happens + tips to help it

Top tips to treat spots on your bum cheeks 🍑


Mental health & wellbeing
an image of How to ask for help when you need it article

How to ask for help when you need it

What to say and how to say it 🗣️


Confidence & motivation
an image of How to build healthy habits article

How to build healthy habits

Getting started and keeping them up 🙌


an image of How much sleep do you really need? article

How much sleep do you really need?

Find out if you’re sleeping enough 😴


an image of Dealing with bullies article

Dealing with bullies

What to do if you’re experiencing bullying❣️


Periods & hormones
an image of Navigating periods at school article

Navigating periods at school

Tips, tricks and your questions answered 💯



can anyone see my information in the app?

do you share information with parents, teachers or guardians?

how do I delete my luna app account?

how will luna use my data?

can I talk to other users?

are questions in the app anonymous?

how can I be in luna’s photos?

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