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Confidence & motivation
Confidence & motivation
Q: Heyy!! School just started and I wanted to start eith less screen time and fun hobby's instead. But after school I'm really tired and all the motivation is gone, do you have some good advice to get motivated even when i'm tired?
Confidence & motivation
Q: Hi luna! 💗 Is there any tips you can give me to decrease my phone use/ screen time? I feel like I have been using my phone way too much and it sometimes can interfere with my sleeping schedule. I have also been feeling unmotivated and unproductive because of this issue. 😔
Periods & hormones
Periods & hormones
Q: Hi, my school has an open room toilet that you just walk in to and it has no door and we have to share it with the boys. There is a few cubicles for girls and a few for boys but this makes me feel really uncomfortable because if I want to change my pad or something I’m always worried that a boy is in the cubicle next to me and I find that embarrassing. Also it’s hard because people just stand in there and chat so I don’t like going to the toilet when that happens either. Thanks!
Periods & hormones
Q: hey luna, i’m really scared because i’m going on holiday soon and i’m scared my period will start when i’m on holiday. i am nervous because what if i go swimming or i am on the beach in a swimsuit/bikini? i dont use or have tampons, menstural cups or period swimwear that i could use if i do. i only use pads and i cant wear pads whilst swimming or when i’m in swimwear!! (my mum doesn’t buy or use tampons i dont think bc she hasnt gave me any yet and i dont really wanna ask bc i dont often talk to her about periods bc i find it embarrassing) even if i’m bleeding really lightly i cant swim bc my bikini is green and not black. then what if my family ask why im not swimming im not telling them im on my period. i dont even know if i will get it on holiday im just overthinking if my period comes early. ive literally been praying i dont get it. i’m really stressing out, please help!!!
Female health
Female health
Q: Is it safe to put ice in your vagina bc i saw it on tik tok (well the woman was hinting at it anyway)
Female health
Q: How old are people when they get doctors appointments for down there and what happens
Q: I feel really lonely and I only have 1 real friend but she hangs out with a different group of people than I do and she said I can hang around with her in the new upcoming school year when I told her I feel lonely but I don’t want to seem like I’m just following her and her friends around what should I do ? 🩷
Q: My friends have made a voting board today. We had to pick our favorite person in the friend group. We are a friend group of six. Only two of us voted. And one of them was my best friend in the whole friend group. She picked someone else. She has been ignoring me and not paying attention. She has been mad at me for the stupidest reason. What do I do?
Hair & beauty
Hair & beauty
Q: Is it bad to pick dandruff off your scalp? And is dandruff bad for your hair?
Hair & beauty
Q: If you cut your hair with scissors will it grow back thicker, faster and darker?
Mental health & wellbeing
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: hey lunaa basically this summer i was so hyped that it was gonna be so good but the thing is the holiday and my prom i was excited for are now over and i have no money to do anything and i always feel like my parents are disappointed with how much i’m at home idk what to do because i’ve always had this issue and i just feel like they think i’m friendless
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: how do you open up more about emotions to pastoral care teachers?? i find it so scary and don't know how people can just do it
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: my mental health isn’t the best, my teachers have noticed but my parent haven’t? is this normal or are my parents being ignorant
Body image & positivity
Body image & positivity
Q: Hi luna Summer is coming up and it's becoming quite hot u the UK how do u become more comfortable in my clothes as a am chubby and have big boobs which make me feel no that comfortable. Ty 💖
Body image & positivity
Q: How can i feel more confident in my clothes? i recently been feeling inscure x
Body image & positivity
Q: I think my best friend is struggling with her body imagine and food. The past few days I've seen her repost tiktoks that are about not being happy with her body and that she wants to be skinnier. I haven't seen her eat proper food at school she's only ate chewing gum. I told her tk make sure she eats and send me a picture of what she eats. Although she didn't she siad she forgot. I'm really worried and don't know what to do in my eyes she's perfect but she doesn't think she is. Cna you help me
Navigating difficult scenarios
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: Heyy luna. So basically my outstanding high school has just announced they are taking some GCSE options off. Food Tech Product Design Textiles Drama Sociology Economics Latin German Music But I’m just soo sad bc I rllly wanted to do Latin sociology and music. But I also love the school but my mum said I might have to move school. Btw I’m in year 7. Helpppp
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: At school we are learning about the girls body and boys body but they don't split us up to do them. All of the boys start laughing when we talk about periods. Me and my friends have told teachers but they do nothing.
Nutrition & exercise
Skin & skincare
Skin & skincare
Q: hi luna, i just wondering if it’s okay to use retinol at 18? i’m using it rn and it seems to be doing my skin good. i don’t know why but i break out really bad on my cheeks and on my chin, is there anything you recommend to use alongside retinol to clear it? i only use charcoal soap, retinol and moisturiser right now!
Gender, sexuality & identity
Gender, sexuality & identity
Q: i wouldn't say that im asexual, but the idea of sex itself repulses me, everyone around me seems to be growing up and is totally okay with sex but i really don't understand...
Growing up
Growing up
Q: What do you think I should put in my emergency kit for school?, ( so far I’ve put lip balm, money and hair ties)
Growing up
Q: At the moment I get really emotional randomly and then it goes. I don’t know why.