Tips and advice for teens and tweens | luna app

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The luna app offers...

teen period tracker

A period tracker

Use a teen period calendar

teen mental health support

Mental health support

Improve your mental wellbeing

teen daily routine

Things for teens to do

Try routines, activities and challenges

teen advice

Advice for teens

Big sister advice that you can trust

Totally anonymous questions

Here's a snapshot of the 1000s luna's been asked within the app

Confidence & motivation
Q: Hi luna! 💗 Is there any tips you can give me to decrease my phone use/ screen time? I feel like I have been using my phone way too much and it sometimes can interfere with my sleeping schedule. I have also been feeling unmotivated and unproductive because of this issue. 😔
Confidence & motivation
Q: I feel really unmotivated and am really behind in school work
Confidence & motivation
Q: Heyy!! School just started and I wanted to start eith less screen time and fun hobby's instead. But after school I'm really tired and all the motivation is gone, do you have some good advice to get motivated even when i'm tired?
Confidence & motivation
Q: How to be motivated for school and just life in general?
Periods & hormones
Q: is it normal for a girl not to shed skin
Female health
Q: Is it safe to put ice in your vagina bc i saw it on tik tok (well the woman was hinting at it anyway)
Q: How can I tell if my friends don’t like me?
Q: I feel really lonely and I only have 1 real friend but she hangs out with a different group of people than I do and she said I can hang around with her in the new upcoming school year when I told her I feel lonely but I don’t want to seem like I’m just following her and her friends around what should I do ? 🩷
Periods & hormones
Q: Hi, my school has an open room toilet that you just walk in to and it has no door and we have to share it with the boys. There is a few cubicles for girls and a few for boys but this makes me feel really uncomfortable because if I want to change my pad or something I’m always worried that a boy is in the cubicle next to me and I find that embarrassing. Also it’s hard because people just stand in there and chat so I don’t like going to the toilet when that happens either. Thanks!
Confidence & motivation
Q: hii luna!! i really struggle to manage my time before school, and id love for you to reccomend a before school routine<3 i wakeup between 6:10-6:35 atm (any time between them is fine) and it takes me around 45 mins to get dressed, and do my hair and makeup. i also need to wash my face in the morning, but have to leave around 7:55 !! any suggestions??? <33
Confidence & motivation
Q: how do i have a glow up before school?
Hair & beauty
Q: How can i tell my mom that i want to start shaving?
Periods & hormones
Q: hey luna, i’m really scared because i’m going on holiday soon and i’m scared my period will start when i’m on holiday. i am nervous because what if i go swimming or i am on the beach in a swimsuit/bikini? i dont use or have tampons, menstural cups or period swimwear that i could use if i do. i only use pads and i cant wear pads whilst swimming or when i’m in swimwear!! (my mum doesn’t buy or use tampons i dont think bc she hasnt gave me any yet and i dont really wanna ask bc i dont often talk to her about periods bc i find it embarrassing) even if i’m bleeding really lightly i cant swim bc my bikini is green and not black. then what if my family ask why im not swimming im not telling them im on my period. i dont even know if i will get it on holiday im just overthinking if my period comes early. ive literally been praying i dont get it. i’m really stressing out, please help!!!
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: hey lunaa basically this summer i was so hyped that it was gonna be so good but the thing is the holiday and my prom i was excited for are now over and i have no money to do anything and i always feel like my parents are disappointed with how much i’m at home idk what to do because i’ve always had this issue and i just feel like they think i’m friendless
Q: My friends have made a voting board today. We had to pick our favorite person in the friend group. We are a friend group of six. Only two of us voted. And one of them was my best friend in the whole friend group. She picked someone else. She has been ignoring me and not paying attention. She has been mad at me for the stupidest reason. What do I do?
Q: how can i stop overthinking about relationships with friends?
Periods & hormones
Q: what do i do if im on my period for prom? my dress is a light colour and ive never really used a tampon before, im worried that it will be heavy and leak through my dress
Confidence & motivation
Q: any ideas to actually get me out of bed and get on with daily tasks that i’ve been struggling with
Body image & positivity
Q: Hi luna Summer is coming up and it's becoming quite hot u the UK how do u become more comfortable in my clothes as a am chubby and have big boobs which make me feel no that comfortable. Ty 💖
Periods & hormones
Q: What should I put in my period kit
Q: What should I do if I'm in the middle of 2 of my friends hating eachother? I'm kinda in the middle xx
Periods & hormones
Q: Hi I just got my first period and I don’t really know anything about it
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: Is it normal to have a teacher attachment
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: how do you open up more about emotions to pastoral care teachers?? i find it so scary and don't know how people can just do it
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: my mental health isn’t the best, my teachers have noticed but my parent haven’t? is this normal or are my parents being ignorant
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hi luna! First of all I wanted to thank you for all your help and support these past few months. My question is how do I deal with mean people or ones who are annoying? My instinct is to yell at their face, but that sounds wrong. I hate talking to people about it as rumours spread and teachers can’t help much. What do I do? 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Why do my teachers seem to not care about mental health and who can i talk ti about my mental health
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey, im 11 years old and lots of boys in my class were saying i have a fat nose and i need to do plastic surgery. I am really insecure about my nose and i also told my mom, my mom told my teacher and the boys stopped but still i feel really insecure and i dont know what to do.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: hi luna, I need to talk to a teacher about my school anxiety but I don't know how to word it. how do I tell my teachers I'm struggling? x 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Periods & hormones
Q: How do I deal if I need to go to change a pad and the teacher won’t let me go and I’m in the middle of class x
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey luna! i need some help, i'm being bullied and it's affecting my mental health and i've tried to be nice or everyone and not annoyed them but i'm still bullied, i've told teachers and my parents but it just isn't helping. :(
Periods & hormones
Q: How do you talk to your teachers / friends about periods?
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: At school today my friend put a girls backpack who was being Racist in a toilet cubicle I walked away because I didn’t what to get in trouble but I didn’t tell a teacher either because I didn’t what to get them I trouble the girl still can’t fine her bag what should I do
Confidence & motivation
Q: Hi!, I new club has started at my school, it’s a debate and law club which I’m really interested in and I want to go but I’m really scared because my friends aren’t the most brightest and wouldn’t go with me and I don’t want to go alone! Plus a boy who I dated would also be there so it’s already awkward and what if no one shows up!? But I probably overthinking it so I just need some help 😅
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: i feel stressed about school what shall i do
Nutrition & exercise
Q: How can I not feel insecure while playing pe in school?
Confidence & motivation
Q: Hi, I'm a teenager and at school I am quite intimidated by the mean 'popular' girls. I'm not a shy person but I'm not too confident either and sometimes I just feel very nervous and I was wondering if you had any advice on how to ignore mean people and to feel more confident💗
Confidence & motivation
Q: Is it ok to not be considered cool at school?
Periods & hormones
Q: Hi luna 🫶, I think the toilets at my school are not private enough at all! I always feel uncomfortable at school going to the toilet or changing a pad as the boys toilets are right infront of the girls. They can hear everything and I don’t like it!!! And the only thing separating us are the toilet doors and the sink what should I do???
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I drive for attention at school and I am starting to freak out when no one is paying attention to me
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey luna, I’m 11 and I’m starting high school in September and I’m very insecure about my weight and get picked on for it I’ve tried everything to lose weight and it doesn’t work and I don’t want this to continue at high school.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hey luna.. so basically I’m in a rlly hard situation and idk what to do.. Yesterday at school there was a fight aginast someone in my form and one of the most popular sassy girls. We r strictly not allowed smart phones at school, but I filmed the fight a little bit. Now EVERYONE is asking me the video, but the girl in my forms headscarf fell off and I feel like I’m invading her privacy but also everybody else’s who were in the video (there were lots of girls there.) But now everyone is super angry at me and I’m scared the big gang of mean girls will come fight me, but I can’t tell a teacher bc it was my fault for taking the video. Sorry for the long message 😭
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: Heyy luna. So basically my outstanding high school has just announced they are taking some GCSE options off. Food Tech Product Design Textiles Drama Sociology Economics Latin German Music But I’m just soo sad bc I rllly wanted to do Latin sociology and music. But I also love the school but my mum said I might have to move school. Btw I’m in year 7. Helpppp
Periods & hormones
Q: I'm really scared that I might get my period when I'm at school. What do I do in that situation if it does happen?
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I’m starting High School after the summer and i’m really nervous. I’m scared because of how massive it is compared to my current school, needing to get to classes on time, and i’m worried about all my friends leaving me. Do you have any tips??
Periods & hormones
Q: Hi luna, what do I do if I leak on a chair at school infront all the boys. How do you handle it.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school
Confidence & motivation
Q: I want to make a revision timetable from Monday to Friday but I don't have anytime as I go to school from 7 30 to 3 00 and then I have mosque from 5 30 to 7 30 so I'm struggling on how to fit my revision in can u pls help me 😭 xxx
Q: I got into a different secondary school to all my friends and I’m really upset about it what should I do??
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Latley, since starting high school, I've been feeling like really upset, but usually, for absolutely no reason. I'll just randomly start crying almost every day over the tiniest thing or nothing at all, and I'm getting concerned about my mental health cause it's a little too often. Is it normal?
Confidence & motivation
Q: i cannot find a job. i’m 18 and looking for a job, i’ve applied to everything in my area and haven’t got anything yet. i was in college for some time and it didn’t work for me twice, unfortunately i have dropped out and am not welcome back. being jobless is taking a toll on my mental health and i can’t afford to support myself even with universal credit. i have no grades from high school either but plenty of experience, but no one will hire me? i need advice on what to do next.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: I hate going to school for every reason and there is this group of boys at school who just keep on annoying me and other things I don’t never want to go back to school how can I motivate myself to getting out of bed and dealing with it ?
Q: All my friends at school use social media and I don’t agree with social media and so do my parents. But sometimes I feel left out and like I don’t belong because all anyone talks about is TikTok or Snapchat. And everyone spends ages making themselves look pretty in the morning, that sometimes i feel as if I should too because LOADS of people always straighten their hair and wear mascara etc. But I don’t rlly know who I want to be and what to be like and how to deal with everyone constantly talking about social media.
Periods & hormones
Q: Should I be embarrassed or it be awkward for me to change my pad (with the noise of it) in a public bathroom eg school
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: for my school when we are in p7 at the end we get 3 days at our new highschool to get used to it, get our timetables ect i’m really nervous but so so excited do you have any tips they’re really soon!
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: Hi luna ⚡️ I'm being bullied and people are calling me names at school - a video of me was shared in a group chat of me wearing a tail in the park, and I knew nothing about it until today. I'm also scared my friends are talking about me behind my back, as one of them has openly called me ugly and two have called me annoying.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: What is an idea that u followed when u were stressed at school with exams and stuff and teachers constantly going on at you?
Confidence & motivation
Q: hey luna at my school, they say if you have your skirt rolled too high, you have to wear trousers to school. mine and my friends skirt isn’t that high AT ALL, i can think of a hundred girls in my year/the years above with their skirts higher than ours. but now ive been told i have to wear trousers to school by my head teacher? this has made me so angry! i don’t know what to do, im hoping if i don’t roll my skirt my head teacher will forget, but still. don’t you think this is unreasonable? what should i do if they make me wear trousers?
Skin & skincare
Q: how to get rid of back acne
Skin & skincare
Q: hi luna, i just wondering if it’s okay to use retinol at 18? i’m using it rn and it seems to be doing my skin good. i don’t know why but i break out really bad on my cheeks and on my chin, is there anything you recommend to use alongside retinol to clear it? i only use charcoal soap, retinol and moisturiser right now!
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: how to cope with anxiety
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: How do i thank someone who has helped me so much during difficult times? ❤️
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: My ocd drives me mad and makes me SO angry. Is there a cure?
Body image & positivity
Q: How can i feel more confident in my clothes? i recently been feeling inscure x
Body image & positivity
Q: I think my best friend is struggling with her body imagine and food. The past few days I've seen her repost tiktoks that are about not being happy with her body and that she wants to be skinnier. I haven't seen her eat proper food at school she's only ate chewing gum. I told her tk make sure she eats and send me a picture of what she eats. Although she didn't she siad she forgot. I'm really worried and don't know what to do in my eyes she's perfect but she doesn't think she is. Cna you help me
Body image & positivity
Q: Hiii luna, I saw on TikTok that wearing a body protector (for horse riding) can stop your chest from growing, is this true because i feel like it happen to me?? Thanks I know stuff on the internet mightnt be true but i didnt know how else to find out!
Periods & hormones
Q: I heard tuis all over tik tok but if u and ur bestie r realy close like physiologically and phsycialy can ur period dates match up
Female health
Q: Can your uterus fall out when you are older
Female health
Q: How old are people when they get doctors appointments for down there and what happens
Female health
Q: is it really bad to swallow gum like multiple times a day?
Gender, sexuality & identity
Q: Is being a lesbian at 14 normal?
Gender, sexuality & identity
Q: how do i know if i like girls or guys ?
Gender, sexuality & identity
Q: i wouldn't say that im asexual, but the idea of sex itself repulses me, everyone around me seems to be growing up and is totally okay with sex but i really don't understand...
Q: Hey luna How do you get of your phone when you want to go to bed
Q: Should I be watching tv while trying to sleep?
Q: Why do I feel tired 24/7? Love you guys 💕
Nutrition & exercise
Q: what is the best way to loose weight
Nutrition & exercise
Q: any ways to get a more toned and hour glass body?
Nutrition & exercise
Q: What are the symptoms of hypermobility? Thank you x
Hair & beauty
Q: Is it bad to pick dandruff off your scalp? And is dandruff bad for your hair?
Hair & beauty
Q: If you cut your hair with scissors will it grow back thicker, faster and darker?
Hair & beauty
Q: what happens if i shave everyday
Confidence & motivation
Q: how can I study for my GCSEs when I have no motivation and havent properly studies before?
Confidence & motivation
Q: I love art so much and I feel like it’s the only thing I’m really good at but I’ve been getting worse because I never feel motivated to do art anymore because I’m always tired and drained from bad sleep and schoolwork/ exams how do I get more motivation to do art?
Growing up
Q: What do you think I should put in my emergency kit for school?, ( so far I’ve put lip balm, money and hair ties)
Growing up
Q: At the moment I get really emotional randomly and then it goes. I don’t know why.
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: At school we are learning about the girls body and boys body but they don't split us up to do them. All of the boys start laughing when we talk about periods. Me and my friends have told teachers but they do nothing.
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: I’m at my bsf house but when it comes to her bathroom door it’s easy to unlock and shut it from behind and I have to shower but I’m rlly scared that her parents are js going to unlock it I asked her if she can guide it for me but she said no
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: I’m kind of caught in the middle of a fight between two friends. I quite like both of them, but they are constantly talking about each other behind their backs then acting as though nothing is going on when they’re with each other. They both trust me with everything and it’s slightly overwhelming. Neither of them are particularly in the right. But, then again, I’m not super close to either; it just feels awkward. Should I just let it play out? Intervene? Distance myself?
Q: My mum is literally the nicest person every but she’s always moaning at me and I understand that’s what normal mums do but it’s like whatever I do is never good enough like when I’m happy there’s always something else I have to do I was waiting 2 hours for her today and then when she’s ready to go apparently now I have to clear my room then she got mad at me for shouting then she makes me feel like a brat. I don’t know how to control my anger, just because I’m their child they think I’m not smart idk what to do
Q: My mum and dad got in an argument and are currently not talking to eachother. but now my mums not talking to me because she thinks im on my dads side..which im not… and now idk what to do. she thinks im disrespecting her.
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: im literally 🤏 close to losing it for the eleventh time this month my parents have told me something i bought is too revealing and all the clothes werebt even revealing they just showed like a bit below my collatbones and nowhere close to my chest at all its just because i have boobs its suddenly “revealing” abd where i live people wear worse then this and i dont understan why i cant??? im literally 16 abd i told my mum ill only wesr it when im with her and or my dad abd she still said no i dont get why i cant feel pretty just becusse some men might look at me weird for a split second?????? liuna what am i supposed to do and wear if i cant even show my collarbones
Periods & hormones
Q: Hey luna when im on my period my hormones go haywire and often I talk back when im on my period bc of them I don’t mean it but when I do my parents shout at me even louder and then I always cry I can’t help it but the problem is my mum don’t even understand and she goes through the same thing it ruins me and makes me feel like my parents don’t try to understand subjects like that I just wish they understand Becuse it’s obvious when im on my period they just don’t bother to learn and decide to shout it makes me feel awful and lonely in my family I can’t even tell them secrets Becuse I know they will tell people.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: What are ways I can express my less positive feelings without my parents finding out. They tend not to understand and just blow up at the littlest things.
Female health
Q: Hi I have 2 questions- how do I differentiate between thrush and normal yeast infection? (In my vagina) And 2. How do I tell my mum I think I have one of these? Pls help I'm rlly nervous but I don't want to leave it till too late 😔
Confidence & motivation
Q: What should I do if I get bad grades and how do I revise properly?
Growing up
Q: Why do boys have less problems to face than girls?
Q: Hey luna I like this boy but he doesn't like be back but i really like him what do I do
Periods & hormones
Q: Why do I have so much discharge.
Skin & skincare
Q: what is ‘combination’ skin? how could you describe it? ❤️
Q: Me and my ex broke up a while ago, I can’t get over him and I need closure to move on, I do really miss him but I’m scared if I try and get in touch again he will ignore me
Periods & hormones
Q: I just got my first period why is it brown ? Is everything ok ? I am really grateful I can ask questions here ♥️😊
Periods & hormones
Q: Is it true that most people get their first period in like autumn or winter, if so why? ❤️
Periods & hormones
Q: Why haven’t I gotten my first period yet
Periods & hormones
Q: How do I tell my parents that I've got my period?
Nutrition & exercise
Q: how many meals should you be eating a day as a 13 year old girl? i eat 1 meal a day and my parents say i’m not eating enough.
Mental health & wellbeing
Q: How do I tell my mum that I hate school and that it makes me depressed
Navigating difficult scenarios
Q: Hey luna! So i just think my life is so unfair. My brother just got a new car. I am happy for him it is a really nice car but expensive £11,000 but he is paying like £200-£250 a month. He can afford that but I overheard a conversation between him and my mum and she gave him £900 towards the car. I dont know if i am overreacting but i am annoyed i rarely get anything i want (i am 12 so its not like i ask for a car its like sweets) but its the fact that he can pay for it he has a job so why give him that when i barely get anything i want? He is clearly the favourite in my mums choice and my dad idk

There's a topic for everyone

Whatever your dilemma, luna's ready to help you get through it

Mental health & wellbeing
an image of How to ask for help when you need it article

How to ask for help when you need it

What to say and how to say it 🗣️


Confidence & motivation
an image of How to make the right choices article

How to make the right choices

Top tips for deciding what’s best for you 🫵


Confidence & motivation
an image of Revision tips to help with exams article

Revision tips to help with exams

luna’s got you covered 🎓


Navigating difficult scenarios
an image of Dealing with peer pressure article

Dealing with peer pressure

How to spot it and how to say no 🙅‍♀️


Periods & hormones
an image of Swimming on your period article

Swimming on your period

Can you go swimming on your period without tampon?


Nutrition & exercise
an image of Healthy eating: what does it mean? article

Healthy eating: what does it mean?

Nutrients and mindful eating 🍉



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